Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coincidence? Makes me wonder....

Have you ever been going about your daily affairs... cleaning your home or office, or maybe sitting on a park bench or in a doctor's waiting room, when you see a newspaper or magazine article that is speaking directly to you? The article is about something that has been weighing heavy on your mind the last few days, and now here you are reading someone else's thoughts on it. It's as if the Universe wanted you to see that article because it has the answer you've been looking for. Or maybe you were googling something and you "accidentally" typed an incorrect letter and ended up on a website that had a special message for you. Well, that has happened to me on numerous occasions. It is my hope today that someone who feels depressed or is struggling with issues of people treating them badly will end up on this page and read the bible verse above. What I get from this verse is that if someone is rude to you, or you feel has wronged you in some way, don't take it to heart. Just remember that God is all and in all. He is in you! He loves you. He also loves the person who has wronged you, so it is best to try and see them as God sees them. If they have a problem with you, or just don't like you for some reason... it is not your burden to carry. It is theirs. Anyway, that is my thought for today.

1 comment:

  1. I did need this today ... So glad you posted this! Love love!!!
